Monday, January 23, 2006

Man, MTV's "The Real World" didn't prepare me for shit...

so yea, I have been living with roupes for almost a month now. It is really weird to have all of my buddies going back to school and heading back to the day-to-day operations of being a college student and I don't have to go back anymore. It is a huge relief though, I won't lie. I definitely am not going to miss the cram sessions for midterms and papers...all nighters were fun for the hang outs...but that was about it. I do enjoy getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night now.

the hardest part for me has been deciding what to do with my life. There are so many things that I want to do, yet I feel as if I am limited to what I am able to do. I know this isn't really true as my kindergarten teachers used to tell me that I can do "anything" and my options are "unlimited"!!!!! Sometimes I wish those kindergarten teachers would ram that "You can do anything!" bull shit right up their fucking asses. That's crap. You can't do anything, you can only do some things. Wanna know why? You dont have enough time to do anything!!! Haha.

between working fulltime, paying bills, getting married, procreating, buying a house, getting a second mortgage, raising kids, sending those little bastards off to college, retiring, and then really don't have much time to do much else.

My girlfriend always says that she wishes you could live life backwards. Like be born at 100 years old and know little, and as you get younger you do the processes that you would normally do regularly. That way when you were 40, you will have worked for the better part of 40 years and have a nice house, a nice car, and you would be able to enjoy it! I mean seriously, how pathetic is it to see a 70 year old man doing 35 in a 65 and he has a fucking corvette? Or a Porsche?

I hope I am wealthy enough soon that I can buy those things and actually be young enough to enjoy them.


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